Houthis Limit Red Sea Attacks Amid Gaza Cease-Fire
Head of Risk Forecasting Bilal Bassiouni comments on the security dynamics in the Red Sea.
Zambia’s copper sector set for shake-up as government expands role in metals trading
Africa Analyst Zaynab Hoosen comments on Zambia's launch of a metals trading company in partnership with commodity trader Mercuria.
Post-Assad, Could Qatar-Turkey Gas Pipeline Be Revived?
Head of Risk Forecasting Bilal Bassiouni comments on Middle East energy dynamics
Africa’s record election year
Africa Analyst Zaynab Hoosen speaks on CNBC Africa about the legacy of Africa's elections in 2024
Houthis Continue Attacks, Unlikely to Stop After Assad’s Fall
Head of Risk Forecasting Bilal Bassiouni comments on the regional impact of Syria's political transition
Ghana 2024 elections: Presidential campaign intensifies
In the tense run-up to elections in Ghana, Robert Besseling speaks on CNBC Africa
Botswana voters kick out ruling party of nearly six decades
Zaynab Hoosen, Africa Analyst at Pangea-Risk, commented to Reuters News Agency on the surprise outcome of the Botswana elections
How the U.S election impacts African trade and markets
Pangea-Risk CEO Robert Besseling speaks on CNBC Africa about the impact of the US elections on Africa.
Trade Finance TV: Supporting frontier economies
Pangea-Risk CEO Robert Besseling speaks to Trade Finance TV on supporting Frontier markets, along with EBRD and Deutsche Bank.
New President Emerges In Mozambique’s Flawed Election
Pangea-Risk provides a post-elections outlook on Mozambique to Global Finance Magazine
Marine, aviation war cover tightens as insurers monitor Middle East escalation
S&P Global Markets interviewed Pangea-Risk's Head of Risk Forecasting Bilal Bassiouni on the impact of the war in the Middle East on marine and aviation insurance
Bassiouni: Underwriters shortening coverage periods to 3-6 months amid Middle East escalation fears
What are the implications of the Middle East conflict for insurers? Head of Risk Forecasting Bilal Bassiouni sat down with The Insurer TV
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